Sign of the Wines

Sign of the Wines

I started collecting “wine signs” about 15 years ago during our annual Nantucket vacation. My first sign was ACKaholic. (ACK being the three-letter airport code for Nantucket). Over the next couple of years, I found:

You had me at Merlot

Whatever Chablis, Chablis

Poor me… more wine

Let’s Drink it over

This past year, I decided to look for more signs but found most “wine philosophies” on T-shirts, napkins or memes, even coffee mugs (?). So, I started to collect wine sayings in my i-notes on my phone:

Wine a little, laugh a lot

I am woman, hear me pour

Sip happens

On cloud wine

Then one day I met one of my writer friends for coffee. She told me about her 17-year-old daughter, Isabella, who for the past couple years had been teaching herself the art of hand-lettering at home as a means to be creative and make gifts for friends and family. She was now selling them through Instagram: WordsofJoy.designs, in pop up shops, and, also, in a downtown boutique.

As a positive sign of the times, this young woman not only gives a percentage of her earnings to LIGHTHOUSE FAMILY RETREAT, a program that helps families “feel like a family again” by offering beach side fun, family-centered activities for families living through childhood cancer, she has volunteer at the retreat for the last six summers! So, of course, I jumped right on in and ordered the above sayings as well as:

Everything happens for a Riesling

Wine flies when you’re having fun

Stop and smell the Rosé

Hasta la vino, Baby

I also had a couple of signs made up in honor of my love of Music Theatre. I’m sure someone has said them before, but I’ve never seen them out there, so I claim them as mine:

Everything’s coming up Rosé!

Life is a Cabernet, old chum!

I still see wine quotes all over the place and will probably be calling Isabella again soon to add to my “Wall of Wine Wisdom.”

Isn’t life grape?

Love the wine you’re with

Wine not?

Partners in Wine

Que Syrha, Syrah

If you happen to have any sayings that I’ve missed, I’d love to hear from you so I can add them to my list of Sign of the Wines. And, if you need any signs made, Isabella is waiting for your call. Instagram: wordsofjoy.designs











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